TWSS FRM Exam Result

Success is never by mere chance. It is the result of team work of students and TWSS. A culmination and combination of extreme hard work, discipline, focus, tests, retests, rerevising, perseverence and commitment by students and faculty combined. Success tastes sweet like this for students and for TWSS !!

Home > FRM Results

FRM Exam Result

Over the past decade, our CFA coaching has been able to maintain a high passing rate of more 80%. Given below are our students who are a testimony to the quality of our training.

Riya Gupta

Great learning experience…

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Mohit Saini

Thank you The Wall street school

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Prince Chaudhary

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Rishabh Bahal

I am glad I took frm coaching from TWSS and I am grateful...

Jyoti Rani

I believe that I have taken a correct decision by enrolli...

Ritesh Mishra

Without Mr. Saurabh Sinha it would not have been possible

Shashank Pandey

Twas a great learning experience, especially with Saurabh...

Smriti Patro

The process of learning was extremely smooth and convenie...

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Dhananjay Swamy

The fact that I passed FRM part 1 in 1st attempt with hig...

Ayush Patri

The course was really well structured and helped me set c...

Siddhant Jain

The coaching at wallstreet school was awsome and helped m...

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Shruti Choraria

Sir’s guidance helped me a lot. He solved my doubts...